How to keep your mobile's battery charge for a long time.

Mobile is a very necessary gadget in today's public life. But when you are out of electrical connection, you get into a lot of trouble if your mobile runs out of charge too soon. So I came up with some small but important strategies to keep the charge of the mobile for a long time.

Here are some tips to keep your mobile battery charged for a long time.

1. Brightness and Sleep Time When using a mobile, most of the charge is lost due to the brightness of the mobile. So keep the brightness of the mobile as low as possible. In addition to this, reduce the display sleep time. You will get it in the option called sleep time or auto screen off in the settings of the mobile.

2. Notification and Vibration :  Due to the installation of additional applications on the mobile, notifications come from them after a while. Many people keep the vibration on notification. As a result, extra charge is lost on the mobile. Turn off flashlight notifications and vibrations without the need to charge your mobile for long periods of time.

3. GPS (Location)Some application wants your location permission. This is why your mobile often have GPS enabled. This wastes a lot of charge. If it is turned off, the battery charge of the mobile is saved a lot. 

(Note: However, if you go somewhere far away from home, keep the GPS / Location on your mobile. Because if you have an accident, your family will be able to track you down.)

4. Wifi and BluetoothTurn off your mobile's WiFi and Bluetooth if not needed. Because if there is no connection, your mobile's WiFi and Bluetooth will scan the nearby connection. This wastes a lot of battery charge of your mobile.

5. Live Wallpaper : After all, the one that consumes the most battery of your mobile is live wallpaper. Many people set live wallpapers to enhance the beauty on mobile. Eliminate live wallpapers and stop setting any animations on mobile to prolong battery life.

6. Background Applications : Clear the background applications when the mobile is used. Because even if you don't use mobile, these applications work on your mobile automatically and waste your mobile's charge.

7. Video and Games : Even if you watch videos and play games on your mobile phone for a long time, the battery life is wasted quickly. Use your mobile phone at short intervals.

8. Over Charge : Do not charge your mobile repeatedly. Once 100% charged, immediately discharge the mobile. Do not use while charging the mobile. This will not overheat the battery of your mobile and will increase the battery capacity.

Follow these few points when using mobile. This will prolong the battery life of your mobile.

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